Because It’s Rough Right Now



The past few days have been a maelstrom of really, really LOUD emotions. I seethed and wept and seethed some more. Stupid putrid people are killing me. I’ve had to suffer fools FOR DECADES and am so sick of it! So angry at the unfairness of having to deal with the consequences of their hateful behavior. Worst of all I am choking on how HAPPY they are about being hateful. The joy they take in tearing down anything decent or smart has just worn me out.

I am exhausted from being slapped across the face with ugliness and prideful ignorance.

I know I am not the only one. Of course not. But it’s lonely here in my house where I stay day after day, week after week. In some ways it feels like I’ve been fighting this battle my whole life anyhow. The fight for decency and fairness.

Here’s the thing: I don’t need you to agree with me, I just need you to stop dicking with my life. And the lives of others. How shaky is your faith? Your morals are so insubstantial that someone else’s decisions about their own life somehow invalidates yours? Really? That is sad. And unfortunately those who lack the conviction of their morals and faith are the ones running around shrieking the loudest about how everyone else needs to do things THEIR WAY.

It’s always perplexed me how much people mind other people’s business. And I do mean ‘mind’. Like that moron from Nebraska who’s trying to sue ALL the gay people. Why? Because SHE shouldn’t have to be forced to share HER country with homosexuals.


Good morning. I wrote the above a few days ago and it’s still valid so rather than start over I’m adding on.

Read here

Amy Cooper. As I watched the video all I thought was, “Holy mother of God, this woman is demanding a death squad from NYPD come and do her bidding! Look at her! She’s openly threatening that man with her power to bring Death. She’s ordering her personal goon squad with badges to come kill this guy.”

There was no misunderstanding. Amy Cooper used the code and hit every activation button. I was shocked and sickened by her…and seriously scared for Christian Cooper.

I’ve mocked it and said things like, “I’m a suburban white woman, I fear no one.” It’s amusing in a sour way, because it’s fucking true. As time clicks on and I have to spend less and less of it dealing with my own inner messes I have eyes and energy to look outward and I am so aware of how much privilege I have.

Privilege = Power = Responsibility

This is how I’ve always seen it. Early exposure to Eleanor Roosevelt’s views via a beat-up copy of ‘This I Remember’, swirled with growing up among Holocaust survivors whose tattooed forearms were a mute blunt reminder of what power without responsibility always becomes: Evil.

What Amy Cooper did was evil. And wouldn’t you know the apologists are out in force saying she’s ‘paid’ and too much! Out of a job, had to give back the dog, poor thing! Yeah? I think Amy Cooper should be rotting at Riker’s playing COVID roulette awaiting charges of attempted murder or soliciting murder or whatever they can stick on her.


And it’s another day and again I am sick and weeping over another Black man murdered by police. The callous execution of George Floyd is EXACTLY why what Amy Cooper did was so heinous.

Being a glamazon I am privy to a lot of talk that my more obviously hippy-ish friends are not. When with SIL’s golf and tennis pals it’s assumed I am one of them and safe to cock a knowing eyebrow and satisfied smirk at. In the old days I’d charge in Guns of Righteousness a-blazin, but these days I’m stealthier. And to be honest? Much more effective. With a lethal combination of disingenuousness and Socratic method taken to an absurdist’s extreme I tan their hides, Clyde, and hang ’em on the shed. (Apologies to Rolf Harris.) Unlike arguing with idiots on the internet, the in-person skewering is usually quick and painful – at least for the bigot/misogynist/ignoranty. Do not mistake the mimosa in my hand for GOP kool-aid, you imbecile.

Do better, white people. Do A LOT better. NOW.

I know this smacks of white savior-ism but I feel like if white people could get together to take on racism as they did to take on Voldemort and the Death Eaters it would be outstanding. Throw up barriers, ready your wands, push the vulnerable people behind you, and finally, finally make a stand for what is right.

There are many wrongs to right, so much scary stuff going on that even to this crystal ball reader the future is one big roiling murk of uncertainty and fear, yet it’s not impossible to do good things during chaos. Hopeful things. Acts of kindness – random and otherwise. And no, you don’t have to run rings around people and hoist them with their own sad little ugly petard as I do. It’s enough to look askance at someone who’s just laid a turd with their mouth, say quietly, “That is unacceptable.” Then just turn and walk away. Take a leaf from Tison at Costco.

That guy did good.

Now we all do like that.


Love you lots, ~LA


2 thoughts on “Because It’s Rough Right Now

  1. I weep for our world – not only our nation – because it has imploded into a singularity of hatred and misery. While I have no love for our commander-in-theif, Trump isn’t responsible for anything except ripping the bandage off a huge, gaping, infected wound that’s been festering for far longer than I’ve been alive. The sickest part is how many people nurture the infection, vs electing to heal the wound. It’s a wound to the soul and the soul is more dead than alive.

    Some of us gag at the stench of it, crying out from the pain of it.

    And still, a huge swath of humanity elects to feed the necrotic parts, guarding them like they were gold

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s true that Trump did not start this…but he certainly has added fuel to this fire of hatefulness. I’m mostly at home but when I am out in the world of people, I do make an effort to smile (behind my mask) and show kindness. If only more of us would do that. I’ve had my eyes opened up wide at the realization that things haven’t changed much since the early 1950’s.


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